It COMMANDS so much FOCUS and so much ATTENTION that it’s the ONLY thing that MATTERS.

Maura O’Connor investigated the exciting subculture of big wave surfing to find out why extreme sports like these have become, for many, a kind of modern-day spiritual practice

As surfer Dave Kalama says of his EXPERIENCE riding these enormous waves,
“they are the times when you call upon or you experience the deepest sense of who you are. There is something about riding a sixty-foot wave that draws something out of you. The wave commands so much focus and so much attention that it’s the only thing that matters. "Beyond Limits" article in our June–August 2006 issue of EnlightenNext magazine,

"It’s very purifying, because as far as you’re concerned, NOTHING ELSE exists."



Is today a good TIME to ASK...

physically, emotionally, mentally, actively, constantly, effectively
in a way that makes you

stronger, moves you faster , takes you higher.

Fear KILLS it

Your FEAR will kill the win in your mindset

"I am not supposed to do something like that" "I don't have the time or money" " I am not good enough" "What if I screw up" "I should just get a regular old job like everyone else".

Here is a person who tells how it kept her back 10 years
Fear held me back big time. And still does. Need to work with a coach or counselor to get at your reasons for the fear.... As she explains it

Here is an IT Person who feared "asking for recommendations".
Instead worked hard or took tests to prove my work, skill level, etc.

LIMITING BELIEFS are at the core of this and you CAN learn to eliminate them YOURSELF using the Lefkoe Method.

HOW can you be SURE you are NOT the right type..

Aaron Erickson author of The Nomadic Developer breathes the right kind of mindset
My life’s work is helping convert the best human capital into results for companies that empower both the knowledge workers who produce software, and the people in the companies whom we serve.

Its important to DEVELOP yours too.

How can you be sure that the right kind of mindset CANNOT be developed?

P.S. Aaron in the news - Robs comments
Surviving and Thriving as a Nomadic Developer
Rob Litjens at 10:50am July 7
@AE says "is a field guide" <<----- I like the word 'field'... it tells me "out of the head" and in reality @AE says "fight for a smaller and smaller slice of the corporate budget pie as part of an in-house IT group" <<--- thats why I left general motors in '82 <<--- about a year later it got outsourced @AE says "helps consultants become better at choosing good employers." <<--- this I believe is important to get very good at <---- especially in the smaller startup field <<-- BUT with the RIGHT plan and RISK awareness/negotiator Mindset <<--- this IS a solution to NOT getting pushed into backwater technology <<--- so with right mind a WIN/WIN for both consultant and resource strapped startup @AE says "The gains in productivity from paying a higher rate for a "10x developer" outweigh the imagined benefits of paying lower rates for middle-of-the-road developers" <<--- I think its also a creativity block with contractors who believe the ONLY way to stack their HOURLY RATE RETURN is with dollars <<---- true entrepreneurs KNOW their are many MORE ways of getting PAID than with money alone... <<--- This is more of the contractors creativity problem in my opinion @AE says "results orientation versus "resource per hour" orientation" <<---- I would also add <<---- a focus that goes beyond the immediate client and look to how (consultants expertise) can help them serve THEIR client better <<--- that will increase sales <<--- putting consultant on profit side of the P/L <<---- an example of this would be to REFER client to a VAR that has SOLVED an ISSUE (client has NOT identified and COSTS them sales) <<--- so consultant must do MORE than be code-cut-head.. and get a BUSINESS head


THEN you haven't dug deep enough
to lift out the SECRET


Just a quick note..

  1. Locate them
  2. Cover them through Strategic Connect
ONCE you have those two managed continue to MAXIMISE your STRENGTHS using MASTERY of your RAPID LEARNING strategy

Focus on and leverage natural talents that you were born with because you can rest assured that you will have located, covered, and protected your key strategic points against damage from weakness.

Because working on your “weaknesses” takes away time, energy, resources that could be better invested in strengthening strategic edge that is you.

We don't need to be good at everything because applause comes from being great at what we are best at.

What natural talent have you got on the backburner that you need to take out and remind the IT Contracting world about?

Performance IS it JUST a millimeter off?

Tony Robbins explains how you can detect where your performance could be a millimeter off.

IS it Just a millimeter off?
How do you tell?

How do you tell your identity as an IT Contractor is just a millimeter off and has you asking for a mere quarter when life will always give you what you ask of it?

How do you tell you have adjusted your identity as an IT Contractor by just that millimeter and now has life give you everything exactly as you want as an IT Contractor?